Guidelines for transliteration
Guidelines for the design of References by transliteration
References, which is sources used in article in English serves, first of all, to track the citation of authors and journals. The correct description of the sources used in References is a guarantee that the cited publication will be taken into account when assessing the scientific activities of its authors, and hence the organization, region, country. The citation of a journal determines its scientific level, credibility, the effectiveness of its editorial board, etc.
Transliteration (References) is given as a list at the end of the article after the Russian language and Kazakh language parts («Список использованной литературы» and «Пайдаланылған әдебиеттер тізімі»).
All transliterated sources are given in a numbered list, in accordance with the sequence of sources from the list («Список использованной литературы» and «Пайдаланылған әдебиеттер тізімі»).
If the list contains references to foreign publications, they are completely repeated in the list prepared in the Roman alphabet.
On the site you can use the program for transliterating Russian text into Latin for free.
On the site you can use the program for transliterating the Kazakh text into Latin for free.
For the Russian text, we enter the site We select the BGN system option, we get an image of all letter correspondences. We insert the entire text of the bibliography in Russian into a special field and press the button "to transliteration".
For the Kazakh text, enter the site Insert the entire text of the bibliography in the Kazakh language into a special field and get the text of all letter correspondences.
Examples of citing bibliographic sources and their transliteration
One author:
Таубаева Ш. Научные основы формирования исследовательской культуры учителя общеоброзавательной школы: Автореф. дисс… докт. пед. наук. - Алматы, 2002. - 46 б.
Taubaeva Ş. Nauchnye osnovy formirovania issledovatelskoi kültury uchitelä obşeobrozavatelnoi şkoly: Avtoref. diss… dokt. ped. nauk. - Almaty, 2002. - 46 b.
Three or more authors:
К.М. Беркимбаев, К.М.Арымбаева, А.Р.Боранбаева. Жоғары оқу орындарында болашақ мұғалімдердің өздігінен білім алу үрдісінің мәні мен құрылымы. Әл-Фараби атындағы қазақ ұлттық университеті. Қаз ҰУ Хабаршы «Педагогикалық ғылымдар» сериясы №2 (48) 2016.
K.M. Berkimbaev, K.M.Arymbaeva, A.R.Boranbaeva. Joğary oqu oryndarynda bolaşaq mūğalımderdıñ özdıgınen bılım alu ürdısınıñ mänı men qūrylymy. Äl-Farabi atyndağy qazaq ūlttyq universitetı. Qaz ŪU Habarşy «Pedagogikalyq ğylymdar» seriasy №2 (48) 2016.
Halliday M.A., Hasan R. Language, Context and Text: Aspects of Language in a Social-Semiotic Perspective. – Deakin University Press, Victoria, Australia, 2009. – 378p.