Terms of Publication

1) Publication of articles in the international scientific journal "Science and Life of Kazakhstan" is carried out using the Open Journal System, an online submission system and peer review. Registration and access in the Make a submission of materials section. A scientific article must be formatted in accordance with the requirements.

2) A scientific article must correspond to the stated goal and thematic direction of the journal.

3) A scientific article must contain the results of original scientific research previously unpublished and not intended for publication in other publications.

4) The language of a scientific article and the terminology used in it should be understandable to a wide range of readers and representatives of all specialties.

5) The scientific style must comply with the generally accepted norms of literary speech, differ from colloquial, business and other styles, be characterized by a logically coherent presentation of the work, accompanied by an argument for each position of the author.

6) The volume of the article should be from 15 to 30 thousand characters (with spaces, including footnotes and inscriptions) or 3-10 pages. The publication of materials of a smaller or larger volume is preliminarily agreed with the Editorial Board of the journal.

7) The article must meet the criteria of relevance, scientific novelty, uniqueness, contain the author's approach to the topic/problem under study.

8) The material contained in the article should not be descriptive, stating well-known facts.

9) It is necessary to pay attention to the use of borrowed material, the accuracy and correctness of its citation. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the material provided. Checking scientific articles for borrowings is carried out using the "Strikeplagiarism" system. The originality threshold for authors is 30% for all series of the journal.

9) The article must refer to the works of Kazakh authors who have contributed development and improvement to domestic science.


10) The editorial staff of the journal strongly recommends that authors contain links to articles by authors published in previous issues of the journal "Science and Life of Kazakhstan".

11) Self-quoting in the article when writing a scientific work by the author is allowed in the smallest amount. It is recommended to pay attention to the significant scientific works of world scientists.

12) We strongly ask you to check each article through the antivirus system in order to avoid technical misunderstandings.

13) Each author is given 2 attempts to correct and supplement their scientific work. Article sent for the 3rd time is not considered.

14) On average, the article is considered up to 1 month, if necessary, the period can be extended up to 3 months.

15) The author (authors) is responsible for the content of the article. Members of the editorial board reserve the right to publish or reject articles.

Note: According to the format of the journal, we ask the authors to use the official photo in size 4x5, which will be published along with the article. The photo is already placed in the document with the article above the author's name in order to avoid misunderstandings among the authors of the article. Please post high quality photos!